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AS 1692-2006


Steel tanks for flammable and combustible liquids

Sets out designs and specifications for a range of steel tanks for the bulk storage of flammable and combustible liquids.
Published: 22/02/2006
Pages: 20
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.3 Categories of tanks
1.4 Referenced documents
1.5 Definitions
2 General design and construction requirements for tanks of Categories 1 to 5
2.1 Scope of section
2.2 General requirements
2.2.1 Design suitability
2.2.2 Materials of construction
2.2.3 Welded joints
2.2.4 Finishes and protective coatings
2.2.5 Tank supports
2.2.6 Connections to underground tanks
2.2.7 Liquid seal
2.2.8 Access ladders and structures
2.3 Liquid level indication
2.3.1 General
2.3.2 Dipsticks
2.3.3 Sight tubes
2.4 Filling provisions
2.4.1 General
2.4.2 Fill pipe
2.4.3 Pressure equalization
2.4.4 High-head filling
2.5 Draining and normal draw-off
2.6 Manholes
2.6.1 General
2.6.2 Size of manholes
2.6.3 Multiple manholes
2.6.4 Manhole covers
2.7 Tank vents
2.7.1 General
2.7.2 Size of vent
2.7.3 Vent terminal
2.8 Testing
2.8.1 Leakage test
2.8.2 Hydrostatic testing
2.8.3 Air testing
2.9 Handling and transport
2.10 Tanks with fire-rated coverings
3 Requirements for specific categories of tanks
3.1 Scope of section
3.2 Category 1 tanks
3.2.1 Size limitation
3.2.2 Material
3.3 Category 2 tanks
3.3.1 Size limitation
3.3.2 Material
3.4 Category 3 tanks
3.4.1 Material
3.4.2 Plate stiffness
3.5 Category 4 tanks
3.5.1 Material
3.5.2 Tank ends
3.5.3 Placing of supports
3.5.4 Construction
3.6 Category 5 tanks
3.6.1 Material
3.6.2 Flat tank bottom
3.6.3 Bolting down
3.6.4 Welded joints
3.7 Category 6 tanks
Appendix A
Appendix B
Amendment control sheet
AS 1692—2006
Amendment No. 1 (2006)
Revised text
Cited references in this standard
Content history
AS 1692-2006 Rec:2016
DR 05392

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