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AS 1681-2002


Safety requirements for electrically heated Type 1 ovens in which flammable volatiles occur

Specifies requirements for the design, construction and safe operation of ovens for use at a maximum temperature of 540 degrees Celsius in which there may be an explosion hazard due to the presence of flammable volatiles. Appendices provide combustion characteristics for common flammable liquids, methods for calculation of ventilation and illustrate an oven safety design form.
Published: 19/06/2002
Pages: 27
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Objective
1.3 Application
1.4 Referenced documents
1.5 Definitions
1.6 Electrical safety requirements
1.7 Compliance with regulatory authorities, requirements
2 Construction requirements
2.1 General requirements
2.1.1 Ovens and related equipment
2.1.2 Materials
2.1.3 Interior surfaces
2.1.4 Insulating materials in walls
2.1.5 Expansion
2.1.6 Doors
2.1.7 Guarding of moving parts
2.1.8 Shelves
2.2 Equipotential bonding
2.3 Explosion-relief vents
2.3.1 Basic requirements
2.3.2 Location in oven
2.3.3 Adjacent areas and obstructions
2.4 Ducts
3 Heating systems
3.1 Electrical installation
3.2 Controls
3.3 Resistance heaters
3.3.1 Construction
3.3.2 Protection against contact
3.3.3 Location
3.4 Induction and dielectric heaters
3.4.1 Installation
3.4.2 Construction
4 Ventilation
4.1 Design considerations
4.1.1 General
4.1.2 Basis for determination of fresh air requirements
4.1.3 Air circulation
4.2 Rate of ventilation
4.3 Mechanical ventilation
4.4 Fresh air supply
4.5 Exhaust air
4.6 Dampers
4.7 Fans
4.8 Ventilation controls
4.8.1 Preventilation and purging
4.8.2 Interlocks
5 Marking
5.1 General
5.2 Additional information
Appendix A
Appendix B
B1 Introduction
B2 Measurement of quantity of air exhausted from an oven
B3 Air dilution
B4 Basic calculation
B5 Amount of vapour produced per litre of solvent evaporated (Vm3/l)
B6 Amount of air required to render 1 m3 of solvent vapour barely explosive (A m3/m3)
B7 Estimation of VA
B7.1 Calculation when either V or A is unknown
B7.2 Calculation for mixed solvents
B7.3 Continuous process ovens
B7.4 Batch process ovens
B8 Safety factor C
B9 Maximum instantaneous evaporation rate of liquid solvent (Q L/s or mL/s)
B9.1 Continuous process oven
B9.2 Batch process ovens
B10 Temperature/volume correction
B11 Examples of calculations
B11.1 Continuous oven
B11.2 Batch oven, below 120°C
B11.3 Batch oven above 120°C
Appendix C
Cited references in this standard
Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres, Part 4: Method of test for ignition temperature
Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules)
Industrial fuel-fired appliances
Electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres — Protection by ventilation — Type of protection v
AS 2380
Electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres—Explosion-protection techniques
Content history
DR 98183
AS 1681-2002 Rec:2013

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