
AS 1670.4-2004


Fire detection, warning, control and intercom systems - System design, installation and commissioning, Part 4: Sound systems and intercom systems for emergency purposes

Included in NCC Primary References Historical Editions, Supplements and Amendments Set
Specifies requirements for the design, installation and commissioning of the components of sound systems and intercom systems for emergency purposes.
Published: 23/04/2004
Pages: 34
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.3 Referenced documents
1.4 Definitions
1.5 Compliance with other Standards
1.6 Interpretation of specified limiting values
2 General installation requirements
2.1 Indicator panels
2.1.1 Location
2.1.2 Physical working environment
2.2 Distributed equipment protection
2.3 Wiring
2.3.1 Wiring protection
2.3.2 Joints and terminations
2.3.3 Separation from other systems
2.4 Emergency procedures
2.5 Operator’s instructions
2.6 Installer’s statement
3 Power supply
3.1 General
3.2 Main power source
3.3 Stand-by power source
3.4 Power source rating
3.4.1 Main power source
3.4.2 Stand-by power source
3.5 Battery capacity
3.6 Charging current
3.7 Batteries and enclosures
3.7.1 General
3.7.2 Battery enclosures
3.8 Ancillary loads
4 Sound system installation requirements
4.1 General
4.2 Components
4.3 Functional requirements
4.3.1 Distribution of audible signals
4.3.2 Initiation
4.3.3 Alert signal duration
4.3.4 Output of loudspeakers
4.3.5 Voice message
4.3.6 Intelligibility
4.3.7 Visual warning devices and tactile warning devices
4.3.8 Interconnection to the fire CIE
4.3.9 Use of the sound system for non-emergency purposes
4.4 Wiring
4.4.1 Wiring protection
4.4.2 Integrity of circuits
4.4.3 Circuit supervision
4.5 Loudspeakers
4.5.1 General
4.5.2 Connection facilities
4.5.3 Stress on conductors and terminals
5 Intercom system installation requirements
5.1 General
5.2 Components
5.3 Warden intercom points
5.3.1 General
5.3.2 Sound levels during and emergency
5.3.3 Location
5.3.4 Connection facilities
5.3.5 Stress on conductors and terminals
5.3.6 Crosstalk, clarity and intelligibility
5.3.7 Aural call signal
5.4 Wiring
5.4.1 Wiring protection
5.4.2 Integrity of circuits
5.4.3 Circuit Supervision
6 Commissioning
6.1 General checks
6.2 Specific sound system checks
6.3 Specific intercom system checks
6.4 Documentation
6.4.1 General
6.4.2 Log
Appendix A
A1 Choice of measurement
A2 Status of the sound system
A3 Number of measurements and calculation of the result
A4 Sound pressure level (SPL)
A5 Ambient noise level
Appendix B
B1 General
B2 Methods of measurement
B2.1 Speech transmission index (STI)
B2.2 Rapid (or room) acoustics speech transmission index (RASTI)
B2.3 Phonetically balance (PB) word scores
B2.4 Modified rhyme test (MRT)
B2.5 Articulation index (AI)
B2.6 Articulated loss of consonants
B3 Limitations of the methods
B3.1 General
B3.2 Speech transmission index (STI)
B3.4 Phonetically balanced (PB) word scores (256 and 1009 population)
B3.5 Articulation index
B3.6 Articulation loss of consonants
B4 Correlation of the results of the various methods
Appendix C
C1 Protection against exposure to fire
C2 Protection against mechanical damage
C2.1 General
C2.2 WS5X
C2.3 WS51
C2.4 WS52
C2.5 WS53
C2.6 WS54
C2.7 WS55
C3 Protection against hosing with water
Appendix D
Appendix E
Cited references in this standard
Electrical installations — Classification of the fire and mechanical performance of wiring system elements
[Available Superseded]
Information technology equipment - Safety, Part 1: General requirements (IEC 60950-1, Ed. 2.2 (2013), MOD)
Approval and test specification - General requirements for electrical equipment
Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules)
Sound systems for emergency purposes (IEC 60849:1998 MOD)
Content history
DR 02376

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