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AS 1597.2-2013


Precast reinforced concrete box culverts, Part 2: Large culverts (exceeding 1200 mm span or 1200 mm height and up to and including 4200 mm span and 4200 mm height)

Sets out minimum requirements for the design, manufacture and installation of precast reinforced concrete rectangular box culverts for conveying water not under pressure, and for carrying roadway and railway loadings specified by the AS 5100 series.
Published: 12/08/2013
Pages: 62
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.3 Normative references
1.4 Definitions
1.5 Notation
1.6 Types of culverts
1.7 Classification
1.7.1 General
1.7.2 Size class
1.7.3 Load class
2 Materials, manufacture and dimensioning
2.1 Scope of section
2.2 Formwork
2.3 Reinforcement
2.3.1 General
2.3.2 Fabrication
2.4 Concrete materials
2.4.1 Cement
2.4.2 Supplementary cementitious materials
2.4.3 Aggregates
2.4.4 Water
2.4.5 Admixtures
2.4.6 Restriction on chemical content
2.5 Concrete specification and cover to reinforcement
2.6 Concrete production, placement and curing
2.6.1 Batching
2.6.2 Placing
2.6.3 Curing General Moist curing Membrane curing Accelerated curing
2.7 Joints
2.8 Dimensions
2.8.1 Internal dimensions
2.8.2 Length
2.9 Measurement of dimensions
2.9.1 General
2.9.2 Size dimensions
2.9.3 Thickness
2.9.4 Cover
2.9.5 Length
2.10 Tolerances
2.10.1 General
2.10.2 Dimension tolerances
2.10.3 Basic shape tolerances Ends Verticality Squareness
2.11 Storage and handling
2.11.1 General
2.11.2 Provision for lifting
2.11.3 Transportation
2.12 Workmanship and finish
2.13 Defects
2.13.1 General
2.13.2 Defect types
2.13.3 Acceptability
2.14 Finishing and repairs
2.15 Marking
3 Design requirements and procedures
3.1 Scope of section
3.2 General design requirements
3.3 Design loads
3.3.1 Dead loads
3.3.2 Vertical earth pressure due to fill (WFV)
3.3.3 Horizontal earth pressure due to fill (WFH)
3.3.4 Horizontal pressure due to compaction (WAH)
3.3.5 Traffic loads for roadway culverts General Standard road traffic loads Heavy load platforms Construction traffic loads Effects due to road traffic loadings Wheel contact area for road traffic loading Distribution of road wheel loads through fill Calculation of dynamic load allowance (DLA) Vertical loads due to road traffic loadings (WLV) Horizontal loads due to road traffic loadings (WLH) Fatigue design loads for roadway culverts
3.3.6 Traffic loads for railway culverts General Vertical load Horizontal pressure Dynamic load allowance (DLA) Fatigue design loads for railway culverts
3.4 Load combinations
3.4.1 Load combinations for stability and strength limit states
3.4.2 Load combinations for the serviceability limit state
3.4.3 Handling and transport loads
3.5 Load effect analysis and design
3.5.1 General
3.5.2 Restrained side sway
3.5.3 Effective width of culvert for standard roadway traffic wheel loads
3.6 Strength and serviceability design
3.6.1 Strength Flexural strength Shear strength
3.6.2 Serviceability
3.7 Reinforcement
3.7.1 General
3.7.2 Minimum flexural reinforcement
3.7.3 Distribution reinforcement
3.7.4 Crack control
3.8 Fatigue design
4 Sampling and testing
4.1 Scope of section
4.2 General
4.2.1 Facilities for sampling and testing
4.2.2 Sampling and testing procedures
4.2.3 Required tests
4.3 Process testing
4.3.1 General
4.3.2 Manufacture
4.3.3 Testing
4.3.4 Product design
4.3.5 Concrete compressive strength
4.3.6 Reinforcement properties
4.3.7 Reinforcement configuration
4.3.8 Cover to reinforcement
4.3.9 Dimensional accuracy
4.3.10 Acceptance
4.4 Routine sampling and testing
4.4.1 General
4.4.2 Sampling
4.4.3 Testing
4.4.4 Acceptance
5 Installation
5.1 Scope of section
5.2 Excavation
5.3 Foundation preparation
5.4 Placing precast units
5.5 Compaction
5.6 Backfilling
5.7 Construction loads on culverts
5.8 Acceptable crack widths under service loads
Appendix A
A1 General
A2 Information to be supplied by the purchaser
A3 Information to be supplied by the manufacturer
Appendix B
B1 Scope
B2 Statistical sampling
B3 Product certification
B4 Supplier’s quality management system
B5 Other means of assessment
Appendix C
C1 Scope
C2 General
C3 Definitions
C4 Steam delivery
C4.1 Steam points
C4.2 Avoidance of overheating
C5 Steam curing cycles
C5.1 Initial maturity
C5.2 Rate of temperature rise
C5.3 Maximum temperature
C5.4 Removal of steam covers
C5.5 Records
Appendix D
D1 Scope
D2 Principle
D3 Apparatus
D4 Procedure
D4.1 Direct method
D4.2 Indirect method
D5 Report
Appendix E
E1 Scope
E2 Principle
E3 Apparatus
E4 Procedure
E5 Report
Appendix F
F1 Scope
F2 Defining a lot and selecting a sample
F3 Sampling plans
F3.1 Reinforcement material
F3.2 Concrete compressive strength
F3.3 Reinforcement configuration, concrete cover and dimensional accuracy
Appendix G
G1 General
G2 Dead loads
G3 Construction loads
G4 Road vehicle loads
G4.1 Main and secondary roads
G4.2 Minor roads
G4.3 Vertical load effects due to roadway traffic loads
G4.3.1 General
G4.3.2 Precise analysis
G4.3.3 Serviceability wheel loads as vertical pressure (WLVS)
G4.3.4 Ultimate wheel loads as vertical pressure (WLVU)
G5 Railway loads
Appendix H
Cited references in this standard
Concrete structures - Commentary (Supplement 1 to AS 3600:2018)
Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes, Method 5.6.1: Soil compaction and density tests — Compaction control test — Density index method for a cohesionless material
Specification and supply of concrete - Commentary (Supplement 1 to AS 1379-2007)
Chemical admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout, Part 1: Admixtures for concrete
Geotechnical site investigations
Content history
DR AS 1597.2

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