AS 1553.2-1987
[Superseded]Covered electrodes for welding, Part 2: Low and intermediate alloy steel electrodes for manual metal-arc welding of carbon steels and low and intermediate alloy steels
Defines a classification system for covered electrodes which provide weld metal strengths within the range 420 MPa to 830 MPa. Electrodes are classified on the basis of the mechanical properties of the deposited weld metal, type of covering, welding position of the electrode, and type of current, as well as the chemical composition of the deposited metals. Provision is made for hydrogen-controlled and metal-enriched electrodes. Requirements are given for sizes of electrodes, core wire, flux covering, testing, safety warnings, packaging, marking, and storage. Tests include chemical analysis of weld metal, all-weld-metal tensile and impact tests, radiography, deposition efficiency, hydrogen test, and fill weld test. Appendices on description and intended use of electrodes, hydrogen control, and health and safety requirements are included.
Published: 01/01/1987
Pages: 28
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