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AS 1391:2020


Metallic materials — Tensile testing — Method of test at room temperature

This Standard adopts ISO 6892-1:2019 which specifies the method for tensile testing of metallic materials and define the mechanical properties which can be determined at room temperature.
Published: 26/06/2020
Pages: 78
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Symbols
5 Principle
6 Test pieces
6.1 Shape and dimensions
6.1.1 General
6.1.2 Machined test pieces
6.1.3 Unmachined test pieces
6.2 Types
6.3 Preparation of test pieces
7 Determination of original cross-sectional area
8 Original gauge length and extensometer gauge length
8.1 Choice of the original gauge length
8.2 Marking the original gauge length
8.3 Choice of the extensometer gauge length
9 Accuracy of testing apparatus
10 Conditions of testing
10.1 Setting the force zero point
10.2 Method of gripping
10.3 Testing rates
10.3.1 General information regarding testing rates
10.3.2 Testing rate based on strain rate (method A) General Strain rate for the determination of the upper yield strength, ReH, or proof strength properties, Rp, and Rt Strain rate for the determination of the lower yield strength, ReL, and percentage yield point extension, Ae Strain rate for the determination of the tensile strength, Rm, percentage elongation after fracture, A, percentage total extension at the maximum force, Agt, percentage plastic extension at maximum force, Ag, and percentage reduction area, Z
10.3.3 Testing rate based on stress rate (method B) General Yield and proof strengths Upper yield strength, ReH Lower yield strength, ReL Upper and lower yield strengths, ReH and ReL Proof strength (plastic extension) and proof strength (total extension), Rp and Rt Rate of separation Tensile strength, Rm, percentage elongation after fracture, A, percentage total extension at the maximum force, Agt, percentage plastic extension at maximum force, Ag, and percentage reduction area, Z
10.3.4 Report of the chosen testing conditions
11 Determination of the upper yield strength
12 Determination of the lower yield strength
13 Determination of proof strength, plastic extension
14 Determination of proof strength, total extension
15 Method of verification of permanent set strength
16 Determination of the percentage yield point extension
17 Determination of the percentage plastic extension at maximum force
18 Determination of the percentage total extension at maximum force
19 Determination of the percentage total extension at fracture
20 Determination of percentage elongation after fracture
21 Determination of percentage reduction of area
22 Test report
23 Measurement uncertainty
23.1 General
23.2 Test conditions
23.3 Test results
Annex A
A.1 General
A.2 Tensile testing machine
A.2.1 Design
A.2.2 Data sampling frequency
A.3 Determination of the mechanical properties
A.3.1 General
A.3.2 Upper yield strength
A.3.3 Proof strength at plastic extension and proof strength at total extension
A.3.4 Percentage total extension at maximum force
A.3.5 Percentage plastic extension at maximum force
A.3.6 Percentage elongation at fracture
A.3.7 Measurement of the slope of the curve in the elastic range
A.4 Validation of the software for determination of the tensile properties
A.5 Computer compatible representation of standards
Annex B
B.1 General
B.2 Shape of the test piece
B.3 Dimensions of the test piece
B.4 Preparation of test pieces
B.5 Determination of the original cross-sectional area
Annex C
C.1 Shape of the test piece
C.2 Dimensions of the test piece
C.3 Preparation of test pieces
C.4 Determination of the original cross-sectional area
Annex D
D.1 Shape of the test piece
D.2 Dimensions of the test piece
D.2.1 Parallel length of machined test piece
D.2.2 Length of unmachined test piece
D.2.3 Original gauge length
D.2.3.1 Proportional test pieces
D.2.3.2 Non-proportional test pieces
D.3 Preparation of test pieces
D.3.1 General
D.3.2 Machining tolerances
D.3.3 Tolerances on shape
D.4 Determination of the cross-sectional area
Annex E
E.1 Shape of the test piece
E.2 Dimensions of the test piece
E.2.1 Length of tube
E.2.2 Longitudinal or transverse strip
E.2.3 Circular cross-section test piece machined in tube wall
E.3 Determination of the original cross-sectional area
Annex F
Annex G
G.1 Introduction
G.2 General
G.3 Testing equipment
G.3.1 Accuracy of the testing equipment
G.3.1.1 Force-measuring device
G.3.1.2 Extensometer system
G.3.1.3 Resolution of the testing system
G.3.1.4 Measuring devices for the determination of the relevant test piece dimensions
G.3.2 Method of gripping and alignment
G.4 Test pieces
G.4.1 General
G.4.2 Determination of original cross-sectional area
G.5 Procedure
G.5.1 General
G.5.2 Setting the force zero point
G.5.3 Testing conditions
G.5.3.1 Testing rate
G.5.3.2 Data sampling frequency
G.5.3.3 Testing procedure
G.6 Evaluation
G.6.1 Averaging the extensometry signals
G.6.2 Calculation of the modulus of elasticity
G.7 Measurement uncertainty
G.7.1 General
G.7.2 Estimation of the measurement uncertainty according to CWA 15261-2
G.7.2.1 General
G.7.2.2 Example for the calculation of the measurement uncertainty
G.7.3 Estimation of the measurement uncertainty according to Annex K
G.7.4 Proficiency test
G.8 Test report
G.9 Additional considerations
G.10 Other methods for Determining Modulus
G.11 Uncertainty and Reproducibility
Annex H
Annex I
Annex J
Annex K
K.1 General
K.2 Estimation of uncertainty
K.2.1 General
K.2.2 Type A — By repeated measurement
K.2.3 Type B — From some other source, e.g. calibration certificates or tolerances
K.3 Equipment parameters effect on the uncertainty of test results
K.4 Parameters depending on the material and/or the test procedure
Annex L
Cited references in this standard
Metallic materials - Calibration and verification of static uniaxial testing machines - Part 1: Tension/compression testing machines - Calibration and verification of the force-measuring system
Metallic materials - Calibration of extensometer systems used in uniaxial testing - TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1
Content history
DR AS 1391:2020
AS 1391-2007 Rec:2017

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