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AS 1289.3.9.2-2006

[Pending Revision]

Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes, Method 3.9.2: Soil classification tests — Determination of the cone liquid limit of soil — One-point method

This Standard sets out the method for determining the cone liquid limit of a soil using a cone penetrometer and only one measurement of moisture content. This method enables a result to be obtained when only a small amount of soil is available.
Published: 07/06/2006
Pages: 5
Table of contents
Cited references
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Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Referenced documents
3 Apparatus
4 Procedure
5 Calculations
6 Test report
Cited references in this standard
BS 2000.49
Methods of test for petroleum and its products, Part 49: Bitumen and bituminous binders—Determination of needle penetration
BS 1377
Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes
Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes, Method 3.9.1: Soil classification tests — Determination of the cone liquid limit of a soil
Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes, Method 3.1.1: Soil classification tests - Determination of the liquid limit of a soil - Four point Casagrande method
Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes, Method 2.1.1: Soil moisture content tests — Determination of the moisture content of a soil — Oven drying method (standard method)
Content history
DR 04013

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