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AS 1288-2006

[Available Superseded]

Glass in buildings - Selection and installation

Specifies procedures for the design, selection and installation of glass in buildings. Includes guidance for installation practice, based on proven techniques.
Published: 16/01/2006
Pages: 137
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.3 Normative references
1.4 Definitions
1.5 Notation
2 Materials
2.1 Glass
2.1.1 General
2.1.2 Heat-strengthened glass
2.1.3 Toughened glass
2.1.4 Safety glazing material
2.1.5 Insulating glass units
2.1.6 Glass material properties
2.2 Other glazing materials
2.2.1 General
2.2.2 Structural sealant
2.2.3 Linseed oil putty
2.2.4 Steel sash putty
2.2.5 Gaskets
2.2.6 Preformed tape
2.2.7 Setting blocks, location blocks, and distance pieces
3 General design criteria
3.1 General
3.2 Loads and other actions
3.2.1 Loads
3.2.2 Load combinations
3.3 Limit states
3.3.1 General
3.3.2 Ultimate design strength
3.3.3 Serviceability limit states
3.4 Laminated glass and insulating glass units
3.4.1 Laminated glass
3.4.2 Insulating glass units (IGU)
3.5 Frames
3.5.1 General
3.5.2 Deflection limits
3.5.3 Panels glazed into the building structure
3.5.4 Mixed framing
3.6 Design thickness of glass
3.6.1 Glass of standard nominal thickness
3.6.2 Glass of non-standard nominal thickness
3.6.3 Maximum area for 3 mm annealed glass
3.7 Structural silicone
3.7.1 General
3.7.2 Strength limit state
3.7.3 Serviceability limit state
3.8 Selection of glass for minimizing the risk due to glass spontaneous fracture
3.8.1 General
3.8.2 Requirements to minimize the risk
4 Design for wind loading
4.1 General
4.2 Design wind pressure
4.3 Insulating glass units
4.4 Maximum span for glass panels subjected to wind loading
4.4.1 General
4.4.2 Rectangles of glass supported along all four edges
4.4.3 Rectangles of glass supported on two opposite edges
4.4.4 Rectangles of glass supported on three edges
4.4.5 Heat-strengthened laminated and toughened laminated glass
4.4.6 Serviceability checks
4.5 Organic safety films and other glass coatings
5 Criteria for human impact safety
5.1 Scope
5.2 Doors
5.3 Side panels
5.3.1 General
5.4 Glazing capable of being mistaken for a doorway or opening
5.4.1 General
5.4.2 Exceptions
5.5 Low-level glazing in residential buildings
5.6 External shopfronts
5.7 Internal shopfronts and internal partitions
5.7.1 General
5.7.2 Fully framed glazing
5.7.3 Partly framed glazing Side edges, unframed Top edge, unframed Other unframed glazing
5.8 Bathroom, ensuite and spa room glazing
5.8.1 General
5.8.2 Fully framed glazing
5.8.3 Partly framed glazing
5.8.4 Frameless glazing
5.9 Balustrades
5.10 Schools, early childhood centres, aged care buildings and nursing homes
5.10.1 General
5.10.2 Schools and early childhood centres
5.10.3 Aged care buildings and nursing homes Fully framed glazing Partly unframed glazing
5.11 Mirrors and other types of glass subject to risk of human impact
5.12 Louvre blades subject to risk of human impact
5.13 Window seat glazing
5.14 Operable windows
5.15 Two-edge unframed glazing
5.16 Stairway glazing
5.17 Leadlights
5.17.1 General
5.17.2 Doors and sidelights
5.17.3 Windows and other applications
5.17.4 Low level glazing other than bathrooms
5.17.5 Bathrooms
5.18 Curved glass
5.19 Making glass visible (manifestation)
5.19.1 General
5.19.2 Panels other than doors and side panels
5.19.3 Marking
5.20 Unframed edges
5.21 Use of safety glass of non-standard thicknesses
5.22 Insulating glass units
5.23 Identification of safety glass
5.23.1 Original panels
5.23.2 Cut panels
5.23.3 Minimum marking requirements
5.23.4 Louvre blades and small panels
5.23.5 Non-standard thickness panels
5.24 Areas subject to high risk of breakage
5.25 Fire doors
6 Sloped overhead glazing
6.1 General
6.2 Loads and actions
6.3 Load combinations
6.4 Design criteria
6.5 Selection of overhead glass
6.5.1 General
6.5.2 Permanent, imposed and other actions
6.5.3 Wind actions
6.5.4 Live Load (concentrated point load) application
6.5.5 Combined loads (dead, wind)
6.5.6 Glass thickness
7 Balustrades
7.1 General
7.2 Loads and other actions
7.2.1 Loads
7.2.2 Load Combinations
7.2.3 Handrails
7.3 Selection of balustrade glass
7.3.1 General
7.3.2 Structural balustrades—Cantilevered glass—Protecting a difference in level less than 1000 mm, no handrail or non-load-supporting handrail
7.3.3 Structural balustrades—Two-edge support (two opposite edges)—Protecting a difference in level less than 1000 mm, no handrail or non-load-supporting handrail
7.3.4 Structural balustrades—Three-edge support (bottom and two sides)—Protecting a difference in level less than 1000 mm, no handrail or non-load-supporting handrail
7.3.5 Structural balustrades—All types—Protecting a difference in level equal to or greater than 1000 mm, interlinking handrail
7.3.6 Infill balustrades—Protecting any difference in level Four-edge support Two edge support Two-edge support—Mechanical fixings
7.4 Swimming pool barriers/fences
8 Installation
8.1 Scope
8.2 Site working and damage of glass
8.3 Dimensional requirements
8.3.1 General
8.3.2 Front putty width
8.3.3 Dimensions of rebates and grooves
8.3.4 Glass dimensional tolerance
8.4 Glazing materials
8.4.1 Suitability of materials
8.4.2 Compatibility of materials
8.4.3 Application of materials
8.4.4 Life expectancy of materials
8.5 Setting blocks
8.6 Location blocks
8.7 Distance pieces
8.8 Preparation of rebates and grooves
8.9 Glazing beads
8.10 Structural sealants
9 Framed, unframed, and partly framed glass assemblies
9.1 General
9.2 Structural silicone
9.2.1 General
9.2.2 Selection
9.2.3 Cleaning
9.2.4 Application
9.2.5 Silicone curing
9.3 Faceted glazing
9.3.1 General
9.3.2 Glass and silicone selection
9.3.3 Design of faceted panels Included angles between 90° to 160° Included angles greater than 160°
9.4 Fin-supported glazing
9.4.1 General
9.4.2 Design method Determination of façade panel glass type and thickness Determination of minimum fin thickness Determination of fin depth
9.5 Unframed toughened and toughened laminated glass assemblies
9.5.1 General
9.5.2 Design considerations Fail-safe requirements Components Glass design stress Provision for expansion and structural movement Suspended assemblies Doors supported directly from the floor and partially suspended assemblies Adjustment
9.5.3 Glazing techniques General Sizing Glazing Suspended assemblies Sill-supported assemblies
Appendix A
A1 General
A2 Design wind pressures
A3 Wind loading for housing
A4 Wind loading for all buildings other than housing
Appendix B
B1 Technical basis for the development of the design graphs
B1.1 Analysis methodology
B1.2 Design stress
B1.3 Deflection limit
B1.4 Edge supports
B2 Examples
B2.1 Example 1
B2.2 Example 2
Appendix C
C1 Introduction
C2 Beams with intermediate buckling restraints
C3 Beams with no intermediate buckling restraints
C4 Continuously restrained beams
C5 Buckling restraints
Appendix D
Appendix E
E1 Safety when accessing sloped overhead glass
E2 Toughened safety glass
E3 Laminated safety glass
E4 Heat-strengthened laminated safety glass
E5 Toughened laminated safety glass
E6 Safety wired glass
Appendix F
F1 Strength design of stuctural silicone
F2 Movement design of stuctural silicone
F3 Installation of stuctural silicone
F3.1 General
F3.2 Cleaning
F3.3 Silicone application
F3.4 Silicone curing
F3.5 Structural silicone monitoring
Appendix G
Appendix H
Amendment control sheet
AS 1288—2006
Amendment No. 1 (2008)
Amendment No. 2 (2011)
Revised text
Amendment No. 3 (2016)
Revised text
Cited references in this standard
Safety glazing materials in buildings
Quality requirements for cut-to-size and processed glass
BS 544
Specification for linseed oil putty for use in wooden frames
BS 4255-1
Rubber used in preformed gaskets for weather exclusion from buildings, Part 1: Specification for non-cellular gaskets
Standard specification for glazing compounds for back bedding and face glazing of metal sash
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