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AS 1199.1-2003


Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes, Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection

Specifies an acceptance sampling system for inspection by attributes. It is indexed in terms of the acceptance quality limit (AQL). This Standard is identical with and reproduced from ISO 2859-1:1999.
Published: 28/07/2003
Pages: 87
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions and symbols
3.1 Terms and definitions
3.2 Symbols and abbreviations
4 Expression of nonconformity
4.1 General
4.2 Classification of nonconformities
5 Acceptance quality limit (AQL)
5.1 Use and application
5.2 Specifying AQLs
5.3 Preferred AQLs
6 Submission of product for sampling
6.1 Formation of lots
6.2 Presentation of lots
7 Acceptance and non-acceptance
7.1 Acceptability of lots
7.2 Disposition of non-acceptable lots
7.3 Nonconforming items
7.4 Classes of nonconformities or nonconforming items
7.5 Special reservation for critical classes of nonconformities
7.6 Resubmitted lots
8 Drawing of samples
8.1 Sample selection
8.2 Time for drawing the samples
8.3 Double or multiple sampling
9 Normal, tightened and reduced inspection
9.1 Start of inspection
9.2 Continuation of inspection
9.3 Switching rules and procedures (see Figure 1)
9.3.1 Normal to tightened
9.3.2 Tightened to normal
9.3.3 Normal to reduced General Switching score
9.3.4 Reduced to normal
9.4 Discontinuation of inspection
9.5 Skip-lot sampling
10 Sampling plans
10.1 Inspection level
10.2 Sample size code letters
10.3 Obtaining a sampling plan
10.4 Types of sampling plans
11 Determination of acceptability
11.1 Inspection for nonconforming items
11.1.1 Single sampling plans (integer acceptance number)
11.1.2 Double sampling plans
11.1.3 Multiple sampling plans
11.2 Inspection for nonconformities
12 Further information
12.1 Operating characteristic (OC) curves
12.2 Process average
12.3 Average outgoing quality (AOQ)
12.4 Average outgoing quality limit (AOQL)
12.5 Average sample size curves
12.6 Consumer's and producer's risks
12.6.1 Use of individual plans
12.6.2 Consumer's risk quality tables
12.6.3 Producer's risk tables
13 Fractional acceptance number plans for single sampling (optional)
13.1 Application of fractional acceptance number plans
13.2 Acceptability determination
13.2.1 Inspection for nonconforming items Constant sampling plans Non-constant sampling plans
13.2.2 Inspection for number of nonconformities
13.3 Switching rules
13.3.1 Normal to tightened and tightened to normal
13.3.2 Normal to reduced
13.3.3 Reduced to normal inspection and discontinuation of inspection
13.4 Non-constant sampling plan
Annex A
Cited references in this standard
Content history
AS 1199.1-2003 Rec:2016
DR 03247

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