
AS 1038.8.2-2003


Coal and coke — Analysis and testing, Part 8.2: Coal and coke — Chlorine — High-temperature combustion method

Sets out a high-temperature combustion titrimetric procedure for the determination of the chlorine content of coal and coke.
Published: 29/09/2003
Pages: 7
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Referenced documents
3 Definitions
4 Principle
5 Safety
6 Reagents
6.1 General
6.2 Aluminium oxide
6.3 Alkaline absorbent
6.4 Sodium tetraborate solution (0.025 mol/L)
6.5 Standard sulfuric acid solution (0.0125 mol/L)
6.6 Hydrogen peroxide solution (9 g/L)
6.7 Mercury(II) oxycyanide solution
6.8 Screened indicator solution
6.9 Oxygen
7 Apparatus
7.1 Purification train
7.2 Heating unit
7.3 Combustion tube
7.4 Combustion boat
7.5 Silica pusher
7.6 Nickel-chromium wire
7.7 Flowmeter
7.8 Pressure gauge
7.9 Silica adaptor
7.10 Absorption vessel
7.11 Heat-resistant stopper
7.12 Pressure regulator
7.13 Vacuum pump
7.14 Weighing device
8 Sample
9 Procedure
9.1 Preparation of apparatus
9.2 Determination of the blank
9.3 Combustion and absorption
9.4 Measurement
10 Calculation
11 Reporting of result
12 Precision
13 Test report
Cited references in this standard
Coal and coke — Sampling, Part 2: Coke — Sampling procedures
BS 1752
Laboratory sintered or fritted filters
Safe storage and handling information card
Coal and coke — Glossary of terms
AS 2243
Safety in laboratories (series)
Content history
DR 03090
AS 1038.8.2-2003 Rec:2013

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