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AS 1038.10.5.1-2003


Coal and coke — Analysis and testing, Part 10.5.1: Coal, coke and fly-ash — Trace elements — Determination of mercury content — Tube combustion method

This Standard sets out a method for the determination of mercury in coal, coke and fly-ash by sample combustion and cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry.
Published: 05/03/2003
Pages: 8
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Referenced documents
3 Principle
4 Safety
5 Reagents
5.1 General
5.2 Aluminium oxide (Al2O3)
5.3 Solutions
5.3.1 Hydrochloric acid (1 + 9)
5.3.2 Reductant
5.3.3 Absorbing solution
5.3.4 Hydrogen peroxide (30% m/V)
5.3.5 Hydrogen peroxide (1 + 4)
5.4 Standard solutions
5.4.1 Mercury standard solution (100 mg/L)
5.4.2 Mercury standard solution (1 mg/L)
5.4.3 Mercury standard solution (0.01 mg/L)
5.5 Oxygen
6 Apparatus
6.1 General
6.2 Heating unit
6.3 Combustion tube
6.4 Combustion boat
6.5 Silica pusher
6.6 Three‑way stopcock
6.7 Flowmeters
6.8 Absorption vessel
6.9 Atomic absorption spectrometer
7 Sample
7.1 General
7.2 Equilibration
8 Procedure
8.1 Number of determinations
8.2 Blank test
8.3 Check test
8.4 Sample combustion
8.5 Vapour atomic absorption measurement
8.6 Calibration
9 Calculation
10 Reporting of result
11 Precision
12 Test report
Cited references in this standard
Coal and coke — Sampling, Part 2: Coke — Sampling procedures
Coal and coke - Sampling, Part 1: Coal - Sampling procedures
Numerical values — Rounding and interpretation of limiting values
Safe storage and handling information card
AS 2243
Safety in laboratories (series)
Content history
DR 02516
AS 1038.10.5.1-2003 Rec:2013
AS 1038.10.5.1-2003 REC:2023

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