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AS 1012.9:2014


Methods of testing concrete, Method 9: Compressive strength tests - Concrete, mortar and grout specimens

This Standard sets out the method for determining the compressive strength of concrete test specimens prepared in accordance with the provisions of AS 1012.8.1, AS 1012.8.3, AS 1012.14 or AS 1012.19.
Published: 27/06/2014
Pages: 11
Table of contents
Cited references
Content history
Table of contents
About this publication
1 Scope
2 Referenced documents
3 Definitions
4 Acceptance of specimens
4.1 Moulded cylinder specimens
4.2 Cored specimens
4.3 Cube specimens
5 Preparation of test specimens
6 Capping
6.1 General
6.2 Moulded capping materials
6.2.1 General
6.2.2 Preparation of capping materials
6.2.3 Plates and equipment
6.2.4 Capping procedure
6.2.5 Cap inspection
6.3 Restrained natural rubber capping system
6.3.1 Capping system
6.3.2 Procedure
6.3.3 Inspection
6.4 Capping methods
7 Testing machines
8 Testing procedure
9 Calculation
10 Records
11 Report
Appendix A
A1 General
A2 Grinding procedure
A3 End inspection
Cited references in this standard
Methods of testing concrete, Method 1: Sampling of concrete
Methods of testing concrete, Method 8: Method for making and curing concrete compression, indirect tensile and flexure test specimens, in the laboratory or in the field
Methods of testing concrete, Method 8.1: Method for making and curing concrete — Compression and indirect tensile test specimens
Methods of testing concrete, Method 8.3: Methods of making and curing concrete — Mortar and grout specimens
Methods of testing concrete, Method 14: Method for securing and testing cores from hardened concrete for compressive strength and mass per unit volume
Content history
DR AS 1012.9

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